Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Blog, A reformation of thought

I have been thinking about the name I gave this blog an after being woke up at 5am this morning either by Spirit or conscience or both, I have decided to end this blog and rename it under a more precise and less confusing one.  It seems like a simple change but the repercussions of words are great enough to compel me to change it.  From now on I will be posting all new blogs on .  See you there

Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lies and the Truth

              Today I made up some cheesy cliches on the dangers of lying and falsehoods, I struggled with how to frame them.  The real issue is that is truth an ambiguous term or is it simply getting harder to find.  As a student in college I find it so tiring to always have some sort of filter on.  I go to class and teachers don't teach as much as they influence with their own propaganda.  I feel as though I long for the day when I could simply learn and turn off my brain.  Perhaps I was naive to think that even in those days agendas weren't being kept.

                 As a Christian I am called, if not warned to, guard my thoughts.  This seemed so much easier years ago.  It seems now if you have a computer and internet you can express any self-promoting truth you wish.  And then, of course there are legions of followers out there wiling to drink your cool-aide without needing any morsel of evidence or fact.   There like threads not even strings but small threads of falsehoods weaving themselves into our lives and thoughts.  They have on each of their own merit individually been discredited and file away as heresy or lies, yet some self-serving group having not the strength in their own threads of thought opened the draw to a bounty of lesser yarns and spun with them to create cords of consciousness that bewilder and lead astray.

                  I feel like it is as though each day I go to learn I am picking through these strands that would bind my reason and hold captive my conscious.  If I don't fight and cut these threads or cords then I will myself be bound by them.  The goal is to silence the truth, or to tire out those who possess it.  They will try to bind you with large philosophies contrary to scripture and as a ships bow tie you may slip easily out of those bonds but then they will not cease.  They will pursue you with silk threads, soft laces and tell you that these are complimentary and flattering.  But make no mistake they are the cords of slavery.

      Choose wisely admittance given to those who would plant seeds in your mind.  Trust only scripture.  Sharpen your conscience.  Criticize and question any that would proclaim truth or new truth, especially outside of scripture.  As they say, "the life you save may be your own"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reasonable Rant for Obama

I just came across the news story in which President Obama had an miked exchange with the French President, Nicholas Sarkozy.  Here is the conversation as reported:

                       Sarkozy told Obama, "Netanyahu, I can't stand him. He's a liar." 
Obama did not object to the characterization, and responded: "You are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day."
Read more:

Does this trouble anyone? Is it reasonable to analyze this response and utilize it as a tool to pry into the true feelings of our president towards not only the Israeli prime minister but to Christendom as a whole?  I will not add to any further characterization on the french or their president, but only to say that this remark sounded as if it came from some sniveling, two faced politician.  What I am more concerned about is this open attitude towards our foreign leadership, most prominently Netanyahu.  I think our president has been very vocal in his support for the nation of Islam, the generalization, not any particular group,  and I feel as though his distaste for Christians is becoming more apparent.  
        It is not my wish to nail him to the wall and label him over one comment, but I just detect over the past several months, more of his personal feelings towards those who profess to be christian or more so those who oppose anything Islamic, and now we are hearing from his mouth the distaste he has for the Israeli Prime Minister.  
           I personally don't idolize or look to the prime minister for any sort of leadership, but I do use this as a measuring stick in regards to his true feelings about his Islamic heritage and possible influences thereof. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Just a Reasonable thought.

I'm still trying to hack this one out; however, if a supreme being creates a construct such as time and space, and then maintains these constructs, then doesn't it just fall into reason that the being is not constrained by the same construct created?
                I write this addressing some questions that often come up about the believability of the omniscience and omnipresence and other attributes of God that seem to hard for us to fully comprehend.  But if God created time, then He is not constrained by time because He exists outside of time.  He conveys this through His word and I don't think  we understand it correctly.  God created time. He lives and exists outside of it.  He entered into it to let us know Him better and more intimate through the person of Jesus Christ, His Son.

              Just a thought, I agree with some Christian Theologians that say that existence is a part of God, that is in His nature to be eternal, that existing is part of His being.  And that we all draw or are given our existence from Him.  I only write this to illustrate the logical viability of a few of the characteristics of God.  We serve a logical creator.  I believe our belief in our Creator God, is purely logical.  At times even empirical, if we choose not to be so biased and pampas as to reject our natural state as evidence or moral ethics as reason. And to this I refer to Romans 1-3.  I mean sincerely how arrogant is it to reject evidence given.  How narcisisitically  atrocious is it to find yourself in the middle of all that exist and existed prior to our arrival and then dismiss it as coincidence and reject the given proof of a Creator and construct a different theories about one's origin.   I believe this among many others to be eternally damnable.  It is the fist that the empiricist shake at Almighty God.  They do not fear, and they do not know Him,because they have rejected clear proof and evident reason and have drowned the truth in unrighteousness. God save them, for so were we before Christ saved us.